The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 2012
Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy
Eight years later, a new rise of the evil from which Batman and Commissioner Gordon have tried to bury, causing Batman to resurface and fight to protect Gotham City ... the same city that he brands an enemy.
This movie was probably the best movie I have ever seen. I even forked out an extra $ 40 to see the entire trilogy in IMAX again on opening night. This movie was simply awesome in every aspect. The storyline was pretty, so I TDK in the shade, it was just blood in the veins, so that the edge of your seat every second. Stimulation was great for the story, it advanced the plot, so that you can see all the writing presented as if by magic. Legnth was 2 hours and 45 minutes, and to be honest, I would never end. I would not mind seeing the film 4:00. Tom Hardy was able to perform emotions and intimidate the viewer only the eyes and forehead. Christian Bale just gave the best performance ever done HPS until now. Anne Hatheway received a lot of complaints and poor judgment was the best Catwoman to date, by far. Joseph Gordon Levitt was perfect for his role, and of course, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and brought even greater performance, as well as all other interested parties. The special effects were spectacular, better than I've ever seen, including Avatar. Hans Zimmer brings more music to the film, the best work done on the plant throughout the trilogy. This film will go in different directions, then you expect and leaves Vassa, knowing that this is the best movie ever. It beats any movie I can think of in all aspects, and I have to say that this is probably my favorite movie of all time. Please refer to the IMAX, because it is simply breathtaking. I've seen in a normal theater, as well, and I can assure you that IMAX is worth. The Dark Knight Rose.
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