American Beauty (1999)
Torrent details: DVD Rip, Dual Audio, English sub
Year: 1999
Genre: Drama
Director: Sam Mendes
Starring: Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening, Thora Birch
Lester Bern, depressed suburban father in a mid-life crisis, decides to go on a hectic life around after developing a passion for the friend's daughter is attractive.
Beauty is a Tour de Force of the American cinema. Sam Mendes shows feature a great start to a network of characters who yearn to own American Dream - still, in the end, only one character arrives fresh in it.Having fun actually seen just recently, I could not help but draw a comparison: both films center around a microcosm of society which all, in a unique way, we all succeed or just fun. But here the similarities end: the characters go on a fun process of self-realization where they become increasingly aware of their existence and meaning, and to continue to wallow in their own depravity. Happiness shows signs of redemption, although beauty is in the audience of the U.S. provided a sense of hope, salvation, while great characters endure the same fate, or more accurately, must endure trapped.The work is the central character of the person is the center = time, father Lester, Kevin Spacey had been impeccably. Is presented to us as a bit of a loser who plays the subjugated figure at home and at work. He seems resigned to a life of pleasure she's had mistreated his wife and daughter and his boss at work. It seems beyond redemption, Lester transforms from loser.Mendes reflects these changes admirably well: shows Lester enlightenment cosána pushing against suburbanite bad history there. early scenes are well balanced, and make steady rhythm of the TV commercial-like vignettes prove very comical, if unsettling times. As shown in the film Lester: My life is like a commercial. And what rings true: as cheerful, all characters hidden under the veneer of normal and polite, yet express all that nothing but the opposite: depression, personality and desperate.Lesters wife, played by Annette Benning, achieved more character driven stories he leaves , most hopeless in the film morally innocent tone. To be successful in life one needs to project the appearance of success is the phrase he takes from the King estate, Buddy King. It's a phrase that echoes in the film: Bennings soldiers, life is all about the set-up appearance. This is a different time for Lester to his ability to deliver discarding the constraints of normal life and what after primary stimulus desires.Lester stories where characters or ancillary to follow suit (as does his daughter and Ricky) or pay the price (as does wife His and corneal = al). irony inherent in this film, and it grows and resonance as the film draws to a conclusion, that the only character who comes to be truly free offering everything to achieve. But it is through his sacrifice that he is able to bring the characters to live hopeful view of life.This film left me gasping for air: that hyper-realism, at the same time, images of urban comedy, jolting-shock of recognition, and cathartic sense of hope. Mendes shows some of the people who are, to varying degrees, all our best for certain American Dream, but very few actually achieve it. And at the same time one may have difficulty in tagging and studio film to feel comfortable, that's the beauty of being American beauty that sits halfway between desperate cry for help and a positive sense of joy and fulfillment and movies is at its best.
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